What is Collectoid?
Track your collection,
see what your friends are collecting,
and discuss the hottest items.

Register an account to start using our services free of charge.


Welcome to the Help page.
Over time, more informative articles will be added to this page.
Last update on 2012-07-23
Collectoid is a website aimed at tracking and discussing your collections, the collections of others and finding people to trade items with.
These collections can be virtually anything, for example: games, books, shoes, consoles, movies, music , stamps, money, ...
If your collection isn't in our system, there is no need to worry.
You can add any type of collection all by yourself!
Last update on 2012-07-23
Soon you will be able to find a full tutorial on this page, explaining A to Z how you can get started with your personal collection on collectoid.net.

In short:
Step 1: Register an account
Step 2: Log in and add your collection
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit.
Last update on 2012-08-20
You can use our self-service Password Reset.
You simply enter your username and the email address linked to your account, and the password reset link will be sent to your mailbox.
Last update on 2012-08-20
You can use our self-service Username Reminder.
You simply enter the email address linked to your account, and the username will be sent to your mailbox.
Last update on 2012-07-23
We currently have no official IRC server and/or channel.
Last update on 2012-07-23
You can use the helpdesk in case:
  • you have a question;
  • you want to report a problem (with a profile, forumtopic,...);
  • you want to report a techical error or bug;
  • you want to report anything else to the administrators.
Last update on 2012-07-23
EULA is short for End-User Licence Agreement, it is the type of licence that is used for most of the software out there.
The EULA details how the software can and cannot be used, including any restrictions that are imposed by the manufacturer. This means that the EULA is a contract that protects both parties from liability if the software is used in an unintended way.

The collectoid EULA can be found here.
When sending a message to the helpdesk, please explain your question or problem as clearly as possible, and give all the needed information.
Last update on 2012-07-23
You can submit your suggestions here.
Thank you for helping us improve the website.
Last update on 2012-07-23
We understand that user generated content is very valuable, as giving your input allows us to make the website suite your expectations and needs.
We encourage you to use this feature, as every suggestion will be reviewed by us personally.
Please submit your suggestions here. Thank you for helping us improve the website.